United Soviet Sandwich Republic (Studio Project)
Russian Soviet Sandwich Joint USSR (United Soviet Sandwich Republic) for final end of year studio project.
The Project (a lil' backstory/explanations)
For my final end of year studio project I decided to brand a fictional lunch/bakery/eatery that sold sandwiches & premade sandwiches, small savory & sweet dishes European/Russian based, as well as Russian drinks.
I wanted to do something that isn't really seen or talked about in todays society. That being the old communist USSR (CCCP) propaganda and turn it into something fun and playful as well as not hurting people sensitive to that time and era.
If anyone is fimilar with Valves Team Fortress 2 and "The Heavy" you'll know where a lot of the insperation came from. When I was younger TF2 and Heavy just called out to me as a strongman with a sandwich, and people would often joke around saying "Heavy is part of the USSR guys... The United Soviet SANDWICH Republic!".
The Font and Logo
The logo needed to feel Russian, and old block styled text done in printing presses, and with that I decided to make my own styled font for this project that I can mess with as much as I need for all my Soviet needs.
The font was to be able to work both flat, and shear'd with and angle of 350°, 345°, and 340° seen in the Soviet posters. So with hard work and sweat I give you this font with all letters A through to Z and even an ampersand symbol (&).